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Revised By laws   12/6/2022

ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose


This Association is a not-for-profit New York corporation, organized under Article I, Section 101 of the State Incorporation Laws. The name of the corporation shall be the “Golf Course Superintendents Association of New York, Inc.”

SECTION 2: Purpose

The Golf Course Superintendents Association of New York (referred to herein as GCSANY or the Association) shall exist for the purpose of promoting the welfare of the game of golf; the science and art of golf course management; the organizational and business effectiveness of the profession; and the professional image and well-being of its individual members through the timely and efficient use of present-day educational, communications, and management means.

SECTION 3: History

The formation of this association is the consolidation of previous local golf course associations and GCSAA affiliated chapters.  With years of history, good service, and dedicated members, the old chapters of the Western New York Golf Course Superintendents Association, Finger Lakes Association of Golf Course Superintendents, and Central New York Golf Course Superintendents Association have combined into a single association: Golf Course Superintendents Association of New York.

ARTICLE II - Board of Directors

SECTION 1: Composition

The control and management of the Association and its affairs and its property shall be entrusted to a Board of Directors, consisting of a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and eight (8) Directors. All Officers and Directors shall be a Class A or B member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) and GCSANY.  In addition, there shall be three (3) special Directors: the most immediate available Past President of the Association, who will have a right to vote, and a Class C member and Class AF member, who will be appointed by the President with Board approval and who shall not have a right to vote.

SECTION 2: Nominations

(a) The Nominating Committee shall consist of three (3) Class A members of the Association who shall be appointed by the President with Board approval. Members of the Nominating Committee may not be members of the Board of Directors.

(b) The Nominating Committee shall present a prospective slate of Officers and Directors, in accordance with Article II, Section 3 of these Bylaws, to the membership for election at the Annual Meeting. Said slate shall be published by the Association at least ten (10) days before the Annual Meeting.

(c) Nominations may also be made from the floor by any voting member at the Annual Meeting.

SECTION 3: Election and Terms of Office

(a) The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by the members of the Association at the Annual Meeting and shall hold their respective offices for a period of one (1) year and until their successors are elected and qualified. No person shall hold the office of President for more than three (3) successive terms.

(b) At the first Annual Meeting following the adoption of these Bylaws, three (3) Directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years, and three (3) Directors shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. At each subsequent election, three (3) Directors shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. The appointed Class C and Class AF members of the Board shall serve one (1) year terms. The most recent living and available Past President of the Association shall automatically qualify as a Special Director.

(c) The Board of Directors shall be comprised, when possible, of individuals representing members from a variety of geographic areas across New York State, in proportionate numbers to the number of Class A and Class B members from each area.

SECTION 4: Vacancies

(a) Should the President not be able to continue in office, the Vice President shall assume the duties of President.

(b) Vacancies occurring throughout the balance of the Board shall be filled by the appointment of the President, with the consent of the Board, for the unexpired portion of the term for which the predecessor was duly elected and qualified.

(c) A current member of the Board who is moved to Inactive status may serve the remainder of their term or six (6) months, whichever is longer.  If at the end of such a grace period the member remains in Inactive status, the position will be filled in accordance with the vacancies process.

SECTION 5: Meetings of the Board

(a) The Board of Directors shall meet at least four (4) times within the fiscal year. Two of these meetings will be in-person. The other two (2) required meetings, and any meetings called in excess of (4) within the fiscal year, may also be in person, by webcast or by phone.

(b) Special Board meetings may be convened by the President acting on his own initiative or upon request of five members of the Board. Notice of such meetings of the Board shall be sent in writing or electronically to all Directors not less than three days before the date of such meeting and shall state the purpose thereof. In special emergency cases, notification of the meeting may be made by telephone to all Directors.

SECTION 6: Quorum

(a) Six (6) voting members of the Board of Directors present shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. Proxy voting shall be allowed at Board of Directors meeting with prior written notification to the President.

 (b) Majority vote shall rule at Board of Director meetings, with a minimum of five (5) votes allowed to carry a motion.

(c) Unanimous vote of the Board of Directors shall be required to conduct Association business electronically or by telephone.

ARTICLE III - Officers and Staff: Title and Duties

SECTION 1: Officers

The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.

SECTION 2: Duties of Officers

(a) President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; be an ex-officio member of all committees; cast the deciding vote at all meetings when tie balloting occurs; appoint all committee chairmen with Board approval; and be responsible for regularly advising the membership of Board and Association activities.

(b) Vice President: In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform his or her duties. Should neither be present at any meeting, a Chairman shall be chosen by vote.

(c) Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and discharge the funds of the Association as directed by the Board; shall be responsible for keeping an accurate account of all financial transactions, which shall at all times be open to the inspection of the Board of Directors, to whom at least quarterly reports shall be made in writing of the moneys received and paid out and the amount of funds on hand; shall, upon assuming the duties of office, give a bond in such sum as shall be described by the Board of Directors; the premium therefore, if any, shall be paid for by the Association.

(d) Secretary: The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the records of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors; mailing notices of meetings as required within the Bylaws; answering correspondence for the Association; and for maintaining accurate membership records between the office of Treasurer, the Membership Committee, and direct mailing sources.

SECTION 3: Staff

The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, from time to time engage the services of such staff as the need requires. The duties of the staff shall be defined by the Board of Directors and communicated to the membership.

ARTICLE IV - Financial Provisions

SECTION 1: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31. The dues year of the Association shall be from January 1 to December 31.

SECTION 2: Annual Budget

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the presentation, during the last quarter of the dues year, of an annual budget to the Board of Directors. The Board shall approve the budget so presented, or revised, within the same time frame for use within the applicable fiscal year.

SECTION 3: Annual Review

The financial records of the Association shall be reviewed annually by certified public accountants to be recommended by the Treasurer and approved by the Board of Directors. The review shall be provided to the membership of the Association during the following fiscal year.

SECTION 4: Required Signatures

All checks, drafts, and orders for the payment of money shall be signed, and checks, notes, and orders for the receipt of money shall be endorsed for collection or deposit in such a manner and by the number of persons as shall be determined by the Board of Directors.  The Board shall develop and follow a written policy, which may be amended and voted on no fewer than one (1) time per year.

SECTION 5: Dues, Assessments, and Suspension for Nonpayment

(a) The annual membership dues shall be the sums fixed at the Annual Meeting of the Association as approved by the majority of Class A and B members present at such meeting.

(b) The membership shall be invoiced for annual dues no later than January 1 for the following dues year. A second dues notice shall be sent to all members in arrears on February 1 each year. Any member in arrears as of April 1 shall be suspended from membership with appropriate written notification.

SECTION 6: Assessments

Assessments shall be made only to pay for expenses actually incurred and then only upon the affirmative vote of at least 75 percent of those members eligible to vote at any regular meeting, provided, however, that the membership shall have fifteen (15) days’ notice that a proposed assessment is on the meeting agenda. Such assessments may not be levied more than once each fiscal year and may not exceed the amount of the annual dues fixed each year. Notwithstanding the above, however, the Board of Directors may assess each dues paying member an amount not to exceed $10.00 for a legitimate Association purpose as defined in Article I, Section 2 of these Bylaws.

SECTION 7: Excuse Payments

The Board of Directors may, at its discretion, excuse or extend the time for payment of annual dues or assessments for any members for appropriate cause.

SECTION 8: Benevolent Fund

A Benevolent Fund shall be maintained by the Association for the purpose of aiding sick or distressed members, or members of their immediate family. A specific provision for the Benevolent Fund shall be provided for each year within the annual budget of the Association. The Benevolent Fund shall be administered by the Chairman of the Membership Committee and the Treasurer, under the supervision of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE V - Committees

SECTION 1: Standing Committees

The Board of Directors shall appoint such committees as occasion may require and as they may deem necessary, and they shall define the duties thereof, provided that the following standing committees shall be among those designated and appointed:

(a) Membership Committee

(b) Education Committee

(c) Meeting/Tournament Committee

(d) Scholarship & Research Committee

(e) Government Relations/Environmental Committee

SECTION 2: Rules

(a) All committee chairmen shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors.

(b) All chairmen of standing committees shall be members of the Board of Directors.

(c) Each Standing Committee shall adopt rules governing matters under its jurisdiction, which rules shall be subject to the approval of the Board of Directors. Such rules, once approved, shall be binding on all members. Reasonable notice of such rules shall be given to all members.

SECTION 3: Duties of Committees

(a) Membership Committee: The Membership Committee shall act in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of these Bylaws. This Committee shall be responsible for all social functions of the Association. It shall report any serious sickness or death of a member, or his or her immediate family, and shall render appropriate aid within guidelines approved by the Board of Directors.

(b) Education Committee: The primary responsibility of the Education Committee shall be to provide appropriate and meaningful educational opportunities for the membership of the Association and the local golf community.

(c) Meeting/Tournament Committee: The Meeting/Tournament Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Association’s regular meetings and golf tournament program, the scheduling of all meetings and golf tournaments and arranging with hosting facilities and clubs.  The Meeting/Tournament Committee shall work closely with the Education Committee if educational opportunities are desired at planned GCSANY events.


(d) Scholarship & Research Committee: Within guidelines established by the Board of Directors, this Committee shall be responsible for the solicitation and distribution of funds to be used to support both local and national scholarship and research programs.

(e) Government Relations/Environmental Committee: The Government Relations/Environmental Committee shall monitor and evaluate state and federal governmental activities and shall be responsible for monitoring environmentally related news/issues within the Golf industry that relate to the Association and the Golf Course Superintendent. The Committee shall interact with government agencies and serve as a liaison with the GCSAA Government Relations Committee and Environmental Programs department as needed.

ARTICLE VI - Meetings

SECTION 1: Membership Business Meetings

(a) There shall be one (1) membership business meeting scheduled each year.  The membership will be notified of this meeting no fewer than thirty (30) days before this Annual Meeting is held.

(b) At any meeting of the membership, attendance by twenty (20) Class A, Class B, Class A Retired, or Class B Retired members shall constitute a quorum.

(d) At any business meeting of the membership, each Class A, Class B, Class A Retired, or Class B Retired member may cast one ballot upon any proposition moved for a vote; except Life members may not vote on dues matters. Such persons may vote in person or by absentee ballot. Each absentee ballot shall be in writing on a form supplied for this purpose by the Association and which specifies the proposition(s) being voted upon. All proxies shall designate the Secretary of the Association to cast their vote.

(e) The following shall be the Order of Business at all membership business meetings:

1. Call to Order

2. Reading of the Minutes of the Last Meeting

3. Communications

4. Reports of Officers

5. Reports of Committees

6. Unfinished Business

7. New Business

8. Elections

9. Adjournment

SECTION 2: Special Meetings

(a) A special meeting of the membership shall be called by the President upon the written request of the majority of the Board of Directors.

(b) A special meeting of the membership shall be called by the Secretary upon written request signed by twenty (20) Class A, Class B, Class A Retired, or Class B Retired members, stating the purpose of the meeting. No business may be transacted at any special meeting, except that specified in the notice.

(c) The membership must be notified of a special meeting at least ten (10) days prior to said meeting. The notice shall specify the time, place, and purpose of the special meeting.

SECTION 4: Rules of Order

All meetings of the Association shall be conducted in accordance with the edition of “Robert’s Rules of Order.” When in conflict, the Bylaws of this Association shall take precedence over “Robert’s Rules.”

ARTICLE VII - Membership

SECTION 1: Classes of Members

The membership of the Association shall consist of the following eleven (10) classes:

(1) Class A

(2) Class B

(3) Class C

(4) Class D

(5) Class EM

(6) Class F

(7) Class AF

(8) Class R

(9) Class H

(10) Class S

SECTION 2: Definition of Membership Classes

Membership Classes: includes various requirements (years, position...), privileges (eligibility for Board, oce, voting, golf...) and duties (dues, assessments, GCSAA...).

Definition of Golf Course Superintendent: A golf course superintendent is one who is entrusted with the management and operation of a tract of land defined as a golf course, including involvement in construction and maintenance of golf courses and related equipment.

a. Class A - Golf Course Superintendent Member

Applicant shall have minimum of three (3) years’ experience as a Golf Course Superintendent, be employed in such capacities and maintain their dual membership with GCSAA (national). Class A members shall have all the privileges and duties of the Association, including voting and holding oce.

b. Class B - Superintendent Member

Applicant with less than three (3) years’ experience as a Golf Course Superintendent, be employed in such capacities and maintain their dual membership with GCSAA (national). Class B members shall have all the privileges and duties of the Association, including voting and holding oce.

c. Class C - Assistant Superintendent Member

Applicant shall be employed as an Assistant to a Golf Course Superintendent. Class C members shall have all the privileges and duties of the Association, except for voting and holding oce.

d. Class D - Associate Member

Applicant must be employed at a golf course and does not qualify as a Class A, B or C Member. Includes Foremen and others employed by a golf facility. Associates shall have all privileges and duties of the Association, except for voting and holding oce.

e. Class EM- Equipment Manager

An individual who is employed as an equipment manager, assistant equipment manager or mechanic/technician in the golf industry. Equipment Managers shall have all privileges and duties of the Association, except for voting and holding office.

f. Class F - Facility Member

Available to golf facilities that operate with limited resources, this membership is in the name of the facility. Representative can be an owner, superintendent or another entrusted with care of that facility. Class F membership representative is entitled to all the privileges and duties of Association, except for voting and holding oce.

g. Class AF - Aliate Member

Applicant must be a representative of a company, proprietorship or governmental body that is involved in golf course management, and which provides goods and services to golf courses and who supports the Association’s objectives and enhances our image. Aliates have all privileges and duties of the Association, except for voting and holding oce.

h. Class R - Retired Member

Any Class A or B superintendent, or any other category of membership who is retired from active employment and having been a member of this or any golf course superintendent association for at least 25 years. Retired members shall not pay dues nor any assessments and have all privileges of the Association, except for holding oce. Those meeting above criteria with less than 25 years may retain membership at 50% discount on their normal membership dues.

i. Class H - Honorary Member

Any person, who has rendered exceptional service to this Association (including previous New York golf course superintendent associations) or whose membership would add dignity and prestige to the Association, may be elected to Honorary membership. Any person who is a qualified educator or representative of the golf or turfgrass industry may be invited to be a member of the Association annually. These additional Honorary membership invitations will also be at the Board of Directors’ discretion. Honorary memberships shall not be required to pay dues nor any assessments and have all the privileges of this Association, except for voting and holding oce.

j. Class S - Student Member

Applicant must be enrolled in a recognized turf management program or related field of study. Student members are not required to pay any assessments and have all the privileges of the Association, except voting and holding oce.

SECTION 3: Reclassification

(a) A Class A, B, C, or AF member may retain this classification of membership for a period of one (1) year from the time employment is discontinued.

(b) Should a Class A, B, C, of AF member regain employment during this one-year period of grace, this status of membership shall be automatically retained once the Association is notified in writing of this fact.

SECTION 4: Rules

(a) Only Class A, Class B, Class A Retired, or Class B Retired members may vote at meetings of the Association.

(b) Only Class A and Class B members may serve as an Officer of the Association.

(c) Excepting for the stipulations in Article II, Section 1 of these Bylaws, only Class A and B members may serve on the Board of Directors of the Association.

(d)  Any person, who has rendered exceptional service to this Association (including previous New York golf course superintendent associations) over the course of a career may achieve the distinction of Life Member. This distinction is at the discretion of the Board of Directors.  Life Members, Honorary (H) and Inactive (I) members shall not be required to pay dues or assessments. All other classes of membership shall pay annual membership dues, and assessments when necessary.

(e) A member who by reason of unemployment, illness or other adverse circumstances, may have their memberships placed in “Inactive” status upon his or her application. An “Inactive” member is not obligated to pay any dues nor any assessments for terms and conditions assigned by Board of Directors’ majority ruling on a case by case basis. Inactive members shall retain all privileges of the Association, except for voting or holding office.

SECTION 5: Application and Admission

  • (a)   Any one of good moral character who may desire to become a member of The Association shall present or cause to be presented to the Membership Committee an application on the form approved and supplied by the Membership Committee. The application shall be referred to the Membership Committee that will investigate the applicant’s qualifications for membership.

(b) Dues shall be payable upon application. Fees and dues will be pro-rated back the 1st of the current month payable through the end of the fiscal year if election takes place after six (6) months from the beginning of current fiscal year.

(c) Pending Member privileges:

1. A pending member, one who has submitted a completed application, shall be allowed to attend any and all GCSANY events.

2. Pending members will not be allowed to vote on association issues.


(d) All Class A and Class B applicants must submit, at time of application, a copy of completed GCSAA application or evidence of membership with GCSAA.

(e) The duties of the Membership Committee shall be to:

1. Receive, investigate, and process applications.

2. Maintain a continuing file of incoming, accepted, and rejected applications.

3. Prepare and submit to the Board of Directors a written list of candidates for election to membership.

4. Encourage membership in the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America for all classes of members.

(f) The Board of Directors shall elect new members to membership with input from the Membership Committee.  If satisfied, the Membership Committee will forthwith cause the name and address of the applicant, and other information on the application to be read at the next meeting of The Association’s Board of Directors. It shall then be held over until the next meeting of The Association’s Board of Directors before being voted on. If the time between Board of Directors meetings exceeds thirty (30) days, electronic ballots established under standard operating procedure can vote applications for membership. The Board of Directors shall notify in writing or electronically the new member of their election.

SECTION 6: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct

As a member of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of New York, I accept and fully agree to abide by The Code of Ethics as enacted by the GCSAA and strive to operate within the Professional Conduct Guidelines also determined by the GCSAA.

SECTION 7: Expulsion and Restoration

  • (a) Any member may be suspended or expelled from membership by a three-fourths vote of the Board of Directors for:
  • (1) Use of the Association affiliation for the purpose of promoting schemes, ideas or objects that are detrimental to the Association.
  • (2) Conduct unbecoming a member or inimical to the Association.
  • (3) Submitting false information on an application for membership or in a dues statement.
  • (b) Any member accused of such indiscretion will be given fifteen (15) days’ notice of the charges by registered mail and an opportunity to be heard by the Board of Directors.

(c) Any member who has been expelled may, after the passage of one (1) year, apply for restoration to membership through the regular membership process.

(d) Any member who has resigned or been suspended for nonpayment of dues may apply for restoration to membership at any time through the regular membership process, provided in the case of nonpayment that all moneys part due have been paid with interest.

ARTICLE VIII - Amendments


These Bylaws may be amended, in whole or in part, by a majority vote of voting members at any duly organized meeting of the Association, provided the proposed amendment(s) has been submitted to the Board of Directors in writing and signed by its sponsor(s) at least sixty (60) days before any meeting where it will be considered for adoption by the membership, and provided such proposed amendment(s) has been recommended for membership adoption by the Board of Directors or appointed Bylaw Committee or Task Group, and submitted by mail to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to any meeting where it will be considered for adoption by the membership.

A sponsor of an amendment(s) to these Bylaws, which the Board of Directors and/or Bylaw Committee has declined to recommend to the membership for adoption, may have the declined amendment(s) submitted to the membership for adoption at the next duly organized business meeting of the Association by the Board of Directors, provided the sponsor(s) so requests at least twenty-five (25) days prior to any meeting where the declined amendment(s) will be considered for adoption, and provided the declined amendment(s) is submitted by mail to the membership at least fifteen (15) days prior to any meeting where it will be considered for adoption.

ARTICLE IX - Directors and Officers Indemnity


The Association shall provide Directors and Officers Liability Insurance coverage for members of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE X - Dissolution

This Association shall use its funds only to accomplish the objectives and purposes specified in these by-laws, and no part of said funds shall inure, or be distributed, to the members of this Association. On dissolution of this Association any funds remaining shall be distributed to one or more regularly organized and qualified charitable, educational, scientific, or philanthropic organizations to be selected by the then current Board of Directors.

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